Open Source

Over the years I've created a few Open Source tools mostly to learn new technologies or to scratch an itch I felt during my day-to-day work.

Corylus - Git, but a little bit easier

When the wish for a Git GUI and the desire to learn Electron come together the outcome may just be a tool like Corylus. After having used SourceTree and Fork for quite some time in my day job I always felt that the offerings for my preferred OS of choice at home we just a bit lacking. A little excursion into designing a layout algorithm for the history graph spiralled out of control a bit and resulted in Corylus, an Electron-based GUI for Git.

Corylus Screenshot

More details at


Rust is all the rage you say? Well, let me get my systems program developer hat! backrub is my attempt at a deduplicating backup program like borg backup. Not ready for prime-time yet, even though I use it myself in true "eat your own dog food" fashion.

brain - Simply GTD ®

A small, easy to use, bare-bones PWA implementing the Getting Things Done® principle as layed out by David Allen. I may not be the best at dealing with tasks at hand, but at least it's not due to the task management I use.

brain Screenshot

More details on GitHub.